Tag Archive: Canon

Cathedral lights

Rochester Cathedral, taken in bright sun with a deliberate lens flare, barely edited, just a few filters. Taken on my Canon Powershot.

I have the Vespa, now where’s the martini!

Ravello on the amalfi coast, just your hidden gem of a quiet mountain village! The Edit… Simply converted to black and white, small amount of noise reduction and a little sharpness added in.… Continue reading

A Rose by any other name

A Rose, not quite in full bloom. All the edit took was isolating the colour of the petals whilst turning all else muted tones, then drawing out some of the tones in the… Continue reading

Singapore Skyline

Taken whilst walking along the harbour front and heading towards the financial district, I wanted to make this dramatic to show off the skyline. The Edit… As I often do, I created a… Continue reading

Frond memories

Back again in my parents’ garden I took this shot whilst laying on their lawn under one of their tree ferns, on what was a rare sunny day for the UK! The original… Continue reading

Singapore secret garden

Taken in Singapore whilst refusing point blank to use the air-conditioned walkways below ground and instead be baked in the heat and humidity in search of sights and photo opportunities… worth it I… Continue reading